A Star is Born

Judy Garland A-Star-is-Born

Barbra Streisand A Star is Born

A Star is Born is a movie that has been made 3 times. The two versions normally known are 1954 - Judy Garland; and 1976 - Barbra Streisand. I remember I watch both in China National Library in Beijing when I was a Uni Student in Beijing dated around 1995.

Video 1 showing Judy Garland singing 'The man that got away'; Video 2 showing Barbra Streisand singing 'Evergreen' (starting from 0:53); Video 3 showing Judy Davis played Judy Garland in movie made for TV - 'Life with Judy Garland: Me and My Shadows'. She sang 'The man that got away' (starting from 8:18). Ms Davis's Emmy (2001) and Gold Globe (2002) winning performance of July Garland got so scary sometimes that you might think Judy Garland came back to life and seized Judy Davis's body...

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzyPMRo8ZUQ 320 240][youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqCF-DcqYO4 240 210](starting from 0:53)[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1DjCOfeiLw 240 210](starting from 8:18)
