Online Flash Chinese Checkers 中国跳棋

Online Chinese Checker


  1. [...] Online Chinese Checker Image b&#1091 hto2008 Game Link [...]

  2. [...] Online Chinese Checker Image by hto2008 Game Link [...]

  3. [...] Game Link HuaTongOversea Blog Claim: Most of the photos in my Flickr were taken with my Canon 400D + Tamron 17-50mm F2.8 Sometimes in order to describe something I do use few photos I got from online, these photos will be marked and credited to the original owners if I know. If I don't know, I still normally apply heavy photoshop on them to the extend of 'recreation' or 'recovery'. If you can still recognize it or the difference is too small with your liking, as the original owner you should inform me, I will take them down immediately once I confirmed the ownership. Those photos taken by me are credited and licensed to hto2008 flickr account and www(dot)HuaTongOversea(dot)com/blog Tags:  animal, checkers [...]

  4. [...] Chinese online Checker Game Link Blog HuaTongOversea claim: Most photos in my Flickr were taken with my Canon 400D + Tamron 17-50mm [...]


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