Download Youtube video in Mac

Download Youtube in MacFor those Mac users, who still don't know how to download the Youtube video and view them locally. Here is how:

The video format for Youtube is FLV format. It is Flash Video Streaming format.

a. Download RealPlayer 11 or above. While installing it to your Mac. You will be asked whether you'd like to install 'Real Download Agent'. Say and select 'Yes' to that. After that you will see the icon show in <1>.

b. If you click <1>, you will open <2>. When you watch Youtube video, once the video finish you will see a selection for downloading it in <2> window. Click 'download' to download it.

c. The downloaded files are located in a dedicated folder. Click <3> to open that folder. You will be able to play a video file locally with RealPlayer by double clicking it.

d. You can put the youtube video files you normally play inside a RealPlayer playlist, like shown in <4>. You can open <4> by press "command + Y" while you are in RealPlayer.

c. The image shows a list of Piano solos I normally listen. most of them can be found in here

d. While downloading Youtube video, make sure you are downloading the high quality video option. button <5> let you choose the HQ - high quality option. If you don't see the HQ button, you can try type '&fmt=18' or '&fmt=20' at the end of the website page address in the address bar and reload.
